Road Rage

A game submitted to 200 Word RPG in 2019

Road Rage

A game for 2-12 players with a standard deck of cards, sitting or standing end to end in a room

It’s 8:00am. You just entered the highway. You need to commute 10 miles before 9:00am.

But it’s Bumper. To. Bumper.


Everyone draws a card.

  • Number: Quantity of wheels + people carried by your vehicle.
  • Face: Fancy. You get an official vehicle (police, ambulance, fire, postal).

Describe your vehicle. Describe your destination. Describe why you are so so so late.



Each round is 10 minutes on the road.

Advance the clock.

  • Anyone left at 9:00 loses—describe the consequences.

Everyone draws.

Numbers first.

  • Advance that many miles.
  • Rearrange players to represent distance traveled.
  • If you arrive before 9:00, you win. Describe your victory while laughing at the suckers still stuck in traffic.

Faces next.

  • You RAGE


Rager draws a new card.

  • Number:
    • Select among the targets closest to you on the highway.
    • Who set you off? What did they do?
    • Your target draws a card
      • Number: bigger card zooms forward the difference between these cards
      • Face: They RAGE, and you go nowhere.
  • Face:
    • Rager crashes and loses. Describe the consequences.


Repeat DRIVE.